Rule the Waves 3: Mine Warfare - Magic Game World

Rule the Waves 3: Mine Warfare


Mines in RTW3 have distinct uses and impacts on the game, which can be categorized into three main types:


Defensive Minefields: These minefields are found surrounding all bases. Defensive minefields prevent enemy ships from approaching too close to the base. Note that it is not possible to navigate your ships through these minefields.


Small Minefields: These minefields, placed near enemy bases and coastal artillery positions, become more frequent as a war progresses. One of your ships must come into contact with them before you can detect these minefields.


Operational Mining: This form of mining is conducted during each monthly turn. Ships outfitted for mine-laying contribute to this type of mining, escalating the risk of enemy ships encountering mines.



Pre-battle Mining and Minesweeping

Before each battle, a pre-battle round of mining and minesweeping is carried out. Ships equipped with mining or minesweeping capabilities present in the area participate in this round. The results of this round demonstrate the effectiveness of these critical capabilities.



Assessing the Risk of Mines

Ships outfitted for mine-laying increase the hazard level in the area they operate, indicating a higher risk for enemy vessels. Ships with minesweeping equipment contribute to a minesweeping value for each area. This value is compared with enemy minelaying capabilities in the area to assess the risk of ships encountering mines during operational movement. It also influences the quantity of minefields during battles.



Importance of Minesweepers

Similar to their role in Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), the importance of minesweepers in mine warfare is frequently underestimated. However, they are indispensable to reduce the risk of hitting mines. Thus, it’s essential to have enough minesweepers (Destroyers or Light Cruisers with minesweeping capability) in your fleet.



Utilizing Minelaying Submarines

Minelaying submarines play a vital role in operational mining, thereby elevating the risk for enemy vessels. Deploying minelaying submarines effectively can optimize your mine warfare strategy.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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