Rust PC Console Commands
Articles, Misc. Guides /
08 Feb 2018
While playing the game, press the F1 key to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Console CommandsÂ
Cheat Code – Effect
- god 1 – Enables godmode
- noclip –Â Player model enters noclip (flying, ignores colliders)
- respawn –Â Respawns you on the beach as a newman.
- ent kill –Â Instantly destroys the entity you are looking at.
- debugcamera –Â Toggles free cam.
- teleport –Â Teleport directly to targeted player
- vis.attack –Â Enables debug information for projectiles including rendering bullet trails.
- –Â Starts a helicopter event.
- env.time –Â Changes the time of day. Usage:Â env.time 0-24 Â (6 = dawn 12 = noon. 24 = midnight)
- weather.fog –Â Adjusts the chance of fog
- weather.rain –Â Adjusts the chance of rain
- inventory.give –Â Gives you a specific item and amount. Requires item shortname or code. Usage:Â inventory.give “metal.plate.torso” 3