Sairento VR Tips & Tricks - Magic Game World

Sairento VR Tips & Tricks


-The Raider’s Mark, Tinkerer’s Mark, and Challenger’s Mark relics are great at helping you farm a certain kind of resource.


-Salvage relics that you no longer need for more fabricators. Fabricators are needed to craft new relics or refine your existing ones.


-If health management is a problem, Leeching Strike is a great relic for melee weapons. It lets you drain life from your target.


-Builds that use a lot of Chakra can benefit from the Essence Steal relic, which replenishes the player’s Chakra with melee weapons.


-Infinite Ammo is a great mod to remove any ammo problems, but you’ll be giving up one slot which could be used for more DPS or utility.


-On the highest difficulty, you will be one-shot by everything. You’ll need to exercise good reflexes, positioning, and strategy to survive. Use relics that improve your Acceleration ability to give you an edge!


-Constantly running out of ammunition? Use Subspace Ammo (guns and pistols) or Focal Cast (Projectiles) relics to gain unlimited ammunition.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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