Scramble: Battle of Britain PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Scramble: Battle of Britain PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Scramble: Battle of Britain PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Here’s a quick and easy guide to all the keyboard controls and keybindings for Scramble: Battle of Britain on PC. We’ve also made a video that walks you through the game settings, including graphics, audio & display options. For more details, watch the vid and explore the settings yourself.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings

  • Zoom Camera In: =


  • Zoom Camera Out:


  • Pause: ESC


  • Camera Move Right: D


  • Camera Move Left: A


  • Camera Move Forward: W


  • Camera Move Backward: S


  • Camera Rotate Right: Right Arrow


  • Camera Rotate Left: Left Arrow


  • Camera Rotate Up: Up Arrow


  • Camera Rotate Down: Down Arrow


  • Move Free Camera Fast: Left Shift


  • Track Ghost: G


  • Target Modifier: X


  • Group Selection Modifier: –


  • Camera Move Up: Q


  • Camera Move Down: E


  • Enter/leave Review: Backspace


  • End Planning: Return


  • Advance To Simulation: Return


  • Return To Planning: Backspace


  • Camera Function Toggle: Y


  • Fast Modifier: Left Shift


  • Slow Modifier: Left Control


  • Menu Select: Return


  • Menu Cancel: Backspace


  • Navigate Menu Up: Up Arrow


  • Navigate Menu Down: Down Arrow


  • Navigate Menu Right: Right Arrow


  • Navigate Menu Left: Left Arrow


  • Start Recording: Keypad Enter


  • Submit Chat Text: Return


  • Skip Pre-Match Sequence: Space


  • Toggle Help: F1


  • Advanced Match Setup: M


  • Enter Cinematic Control Mode: P


  • Enter Tactical Mode: Space


  • Exit Tactical Mode: Space


  • Cinematic Mode Next: ]


  • Cinematic Mode Previous: [


  • UI Visibility Mode Toggle: V


  • Exit Cinematic Mode: P


  • Toggle Fire Guns: Z


  • Fixed Camera Move Right: D


  • Fixed Camera Move Left: A


  • Fixed Camera Move Forward: W


  • Fixed Camera Move Backward: S


  • Fixed Camera Rotate Right: Right Arrow


  • Fixed Camera Rotate Left: Left Arrow


  • Fixed Camera Rotate Up: Up Arrow


  • Fixed Camera Rotate Down: Down Arrow


  • Turn Climb System Point Nose Up: S


  • Turn Climb System Turn Right: D


  • Turn Climb System Turn Left: A


  • Toggle Bail: B


  • Toggle Escape: H


  • Cycle Throttle: T


  • Tactical Camera Move Forward: W


  • Tactical Camera Move Backward: S


  • Tactical Camera Rotate Right: Right Arrow


  • Tactical Camera Rotate Left: Left Arrow


  • Tactical Camera Rotate Up: Up Arrow


  • Tactical Camera Rotate Down: Down Arrow


  • Fixed Camera Toggle Zoom Level: C


  • History Scrubber Toggle Loop: L


  • Advance Single Frame: ]


  • Rewind Single Frame: [


  • Scrub Forward: D


  • Scrub Backward: A


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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