Scramble: Battle of Britain PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
09 Jan 2024
Here’s a quick and easy guide to all the keyboard controls and keybindings for Scramble: Battle of Britain on PC. We’ve also made a video that walks you through the game settings, including graphics, audio & display options. For more details, watch the vid and explore the settings yourself.
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings
- Zoom Camera In: =
- Zoom Camera Out: –
- Pause: ESC
- Camera Move Right: D
- Camera Move Left: A
- Camera Move Forward: W
- Camera Move Backward: S
- Camera Rotate Right: Right Arrow
- Camera Rotate Left: Left Arrow
- Camera Rotate Up: Up Arrow
- Camera Rotate Down: Down Arrow
- Move Free Camera Fast: Left Shift
- Track Ghost: G
- Target Modifier: X
- Group Selection Modifier: –
- Camera Move Up: Q
- Camera Move Down: E
- Enter/leave Review: Backspace
- End Planning: Return
- Advance To Simulation: Return
- Return To Planning: Backspace
- Camera Function Toggle: Y
- Fast Modifier: Left Shift
- Slow Modifier: Left Control
- Menu Select: Return
- Menu Cancel: Backspace
- Navigate Menu Up: Up Arrow
- Navigate Menu Down: Down Arrow
- Navigate Menu Right: Right Arrow
- Navigate Menu Left: Left Arrow
- Start Recording: Keypad Enter
- Submit Chat Text: Return
- Skip Pre-Match Sequence: Space
- Toggle Help: F1
- Advanced Match Setup: M
- Enter Cinematic Control Mode: P
- Enter Tactical Mode: Space
- Exit Tactical Mode: Space
- Cinematic Mode Next: ]
- Cinematic Mode Previous: [
- UI Visibility Mode Toggle: V
- Exit Cinematic Mode: P
- Toggle Fire Guns: Z
- Fixed Camera Move Right: D
- Fixed Camera Move Left: A
- Fixed Camera Move Forward: W
- Fixed Camera Move Backward: S
- Fixed Camera Rotate Right: Right Arrow
- Fixed Camera Rotate Left: Left Arrow
- Fixed Camera Rotate Up: Up Arrow
- Fixed Camera Rotate Down: Down Arrow
- Turn Climb System Point Nose Up: S
- Turn Climb System Turn Right: D
- Turn Climb System Turn Left: A
- Toggle Bail: B
- Toggle Escape: H
- Cycle Throttle: T
- Tactical Camera Move Forward: W
- Tactical Camera Move Backward: S
- Tactical Camera Rotate Right: Right Arrow
- Tactical Camera Rotate Left: Left Arrow
- Tactical Camera Rotate Up: Up Arrow
- Tactical Camera Rotate Down: Down Arrow
- Fixed Camera Toggle Zoom Level: C
- History Scrubber Toggle Loop: L
- Advance Single Frame: ]
- Rewind Single Frame: [
- Scrub Forward: D
- Scrub Backward: A