SCUM – Essential Crafting Recipes List
/Crafting a Fireplace
A Fireplace can be used for cooking, drying your wet clothes, and staying warm.
Prerequisites: If you don’t have [Matches] or a [Lighter] then you’ll require the Basic Survival skill.
- Make sure you have any kind of a Knife on you.
- Find some bushes to cut down for 6 [Small Wooden Stick]s.
- You can craft a [Small Bundle of Sticks] and put it on your back for easy carrying.
- Move to where you want to place your fireplace.
- Craft [Tinder] and afterwards a [Improvised Fireplace]
- Light the fire with [Matches] or a [Lighter] or by crafting a [Fire Drill] (requires Basic Survival)
Crafting a Stone Knife
As the very first thing, you always want to craft a [Stone Knife], as this lets you protect yourself and craft other items and weapons.
- Look at the ground and you should see an action to “Search for Rocks”
- Press [F] to do the action, and repeat until you’ve found at least 2 [Stone]/[Small Stone]
- Open your Inventory with [TAB] and switch to the Crafting tab at the top.
- The very first item in the right-hand-side panel should be the [Stone Knife], select it, and click “CRAFT” at the bottom.
- After it’s crafted you need to pick it up from the ground, switch to the Inventory tab and drag the item from the Vicinity panel into either your hands or an empty slot in your clothes.
Crafting a Wooden Spear
The spear is a very useful weapon even after you get firearms, as it is silent, can be thrown a long distance, retrieved after throwing and one-shot kills if thrown at the head.
- Look around for a large bush: The action on it should say “Cut”, but it may also say “Search” if it’s a fruit bush, in which case hold [F] to see all actions
- Cut down bushes until you’ve found 1 [Long Wooden Stick]
- You can now craft a [Improvised Wooden Spear]
- Craft 2 or 3 of them and put them in your holsters in the Inventory tab
Crafting Item Bundles
If you ever find yourself having many [Rags] or [Rag Stripes], you can craft a [Bundle of Rags] or a [Bundle of Rag Stripes] which will save you valuable inventory space.
* Crafting the [Bundle of Rags] will consume the 1 [Rag Stripes] used to bind it.
A bundle can be unpacked by right-clicking it and choosing “Uncraft”.
Also you can craft a [Bundle of Wooden Sticks], which is useful for carrying many sticks to a single place while trying to build a fireplace or anything that requires many sticks to build.
Crafting Item Bundles
If you ever find yourself having many [Rags] or [Rag Stripes], you can craft a [Bundle of Rags] or a [Bundle of Rag Stripes] which will save you valuable inventory space.
* Crafting the [Bundle of Rags] will consume the 1 [Rag Stripes] used to bind it.
A bundle can be unpacked by right-clicking it and choosing “Uncraft”.
Also, you can craft a [Bundle of Wooden Sticks], which is useful for carrying many sticks to a single place while trying to build a fireplace or anything that requires many sticks to build.