SCUM PC Console Commands - Magic Game World

SCUM PC Console Commands


Below is a list of the current admin commands and what they do. IMPORTANT: The commands are entered in chat (T). Before every command a # must be set. So for example #List



Console Commands

Command What happens?
#List Shows you all admincommands
#ListPlayers Lists the current players with Steam64ID, Steam names and character names
#Kick <SteamID,SteamName,CharacterName> Kick a special player from your server
#Ban <SteamID,SteamName,CharacterName> Permanently ban a special player from your server
#Location <SteamID,SteamName,CharacterName> Returns the position of the selected player
#listAssets Item <filter> Displays a list of items that can be spawned. The filter is optional. If you take “wood” as a filter, for example, all items which have “wood” in the name, will be displayed.
#spawnItem <Asset> <Amount> Spawn a special item. Asset is the item name. Z.b #spawnItem banana 3 -> You get 3 bananas
#spawnCharacter <Asset> <Amount> Spawn a special NPC. Z.b #spawncharacter bp_zombie2 2 -> Spawn 2 Zombies in front of you.
#Teleport <X> <Y> <Z> Teleports invoking player to the specified location.
#TeleportTo <Steam ID, Steam Name or Character Name> Teleports invoking player near the specified player.
#SetFamePoints <Value> [<Steam ID, Steam Name or Character Name>] Sets fame points to the specified value. If second argument is not provided, sets fame points to invoking player. Otherwise sets fame points to player identified by the second argument


SCUM – Spawning Items / Item Codes


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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