Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem PC Console Commands Guide
Articles, Serious Sam /
23 Jan 2022
While playing the game, press tilde ~ or ^ to display the console window, then type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Note: You may first need to change your keyboard layout to “US” to use this function.
Console Commands
Cheat | Effect |
cht_bEnableCheats=1 | Enable cheats |
cht_bEnableCheats=3 | Enable developer cheats (some cheats can’t be enabled unless you enable developer-level cheats). |
cht_bEnableCheats=0 | Disable cheats |
cht_bAutoAim=1 | Enables auto-aim |
cht_bGod=1 | Enables god mode |
cht_bFly=1 | Allows you to fly |
cht_bGhost=1 | No clip |
cht_bTurbo=1 | Increases your speed |
cht_bInfiniteAmmo=1 | Gives you infinite ammo |
cht_bGiveAll=1 | Gives you all weapons and maximum ammo |
chtGiveAmmo() | Gives you ammo for the specified weapon (you have to put in the exact name of the weapon) |
chtGiveWeapon() | Gives you the specified weapon (you have to put in the exact name of the weapon) |
ch_slGiveArmor | Gives you armor in the amount you specify |
cht_slGiveHealth | Gives you health |
cht_slGiveSkillPoints | Gives you skill points |
cht_slResetSkills | Resets your unlocked skills |
chtClearGameProgress() | Starts a new game |
chtJumpToChapter() | Starts the specified chapter |
chtJumpToFirstChapter() | Starts the first chapter |
chtJumpToNextChapter() | Starts the next chapter |
chtJumpToNextLevel() | Starts the next level |
cht_bInfiniteStamina | Gives you infinite stamina |
cht_bInvisible | Makes you invisible |
cht_bKillAll | Kills all enemies |
cht_bKillBoss | Kills the boss |
cht_bPassThroughPlasmaWalls | Allows you to pass through plasma walls |
cht_bUnlockMentalMode | Unlocks Mental Mode |