Serious Sam's Bogus Detour Cheat Codes - Magic Game World

Serious Sam’s Bogus Detour Cheat Codes


Press the console key `or tilde ~ (between the Tab and ESC keys) and type “e_cheats 1” to enable the developer cheats. Note this will show “Cheats enabled” in the top right of your screen. Turning off cheats again via “e_cheats 0” marks your current game as “Cheated” in the top right of the game.



Cheat Code     Effect

god 1      God Mode


unlimitedammo 1     Infinite Ammo


unlimiteddash 1        Infinite Dash


listenemies       You will get a list of all enemies (actors) in a level


change_level     Switches to the given level.

Example: change_level levels/e1m2.lvl


give_ammo    Gives an amount of ammo for a weapon.

Example: give_ammo rockets 20


give_armor     Gives an amount of armor.

Example: give_armor 50


give_experience     Gives an amount of experience.

Example: give_experience 10


give_health     Gives an amount of health.

Example: give_health 50


give_perk      Gives a perk.

Example: give_perk flashbang-1


give_stars      Gives a number of stars.

Example: give_stars 7


give_weapon      Give a weapon of the given type.

Example: give_weapon rocketlauncher


kill      Kills the player.


killall      Kills all enemies alive in the level.


knowall      Unlock all Netricsa messages.


levelup    Level up a number of levels.

Example: levelup 5


set_flag      Sets a level flag.

Example: set_flag paper1 true true


e_cheats     Enables or disables cheats.


god     Whether the player is invincible.


noclip     Whether the player can walk through colliding units.


infiniteammo     Whether the player has an infinite amount of ammo.


infinitedash     Whether the player can dash an infinite amount of times.


clientfollowshost    When in split-screen, the second player will follow the first player around.


g_scale     The rendering scale.


g_timescale      The time scale.


turbo    Player walking speed multiplier.


Note: Cheats will disable your ability to get achievements however and a little red “Cheats Enabled” text appears in the top-right of your screen.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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