Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Croft Manor - Bullseye - Challenge Walkthrough - Magic Game World

Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Croft Manor – Bullseye – Challenge Walkthrough

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Croft Manor – Bullseye – Challenge Walkthrough

You have to hit every target with a ball. Find one of the black balls scattered around the playground (they look like kettlebells) and throw it at each of the four archery targets.



1/4 – As soon as you gain control of Lara, the three first targets are to your right. Target 1 is hanging on the trunk of a tree.


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2/4 – As soon as you gain control of Lara, the three first targets are to your right. Target 2 is hanging from a branch on a tree.


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3/4 – As soon as you gain control of Lara, the three first targets are to your right. Target 3 is standing on a tripod.


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4/4 – This one is in a slightly different location than the other two. In the back of the garden (behind Lara when you first gain control of her) there is a hammock. Target 4 is hanging from a tree branch above the hammock.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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