Sins of a Solar Empire 2 PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts Guide - Magic Game World

Sins of a Solar Empire 2 PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts Guide

Sins of a Solar Empire 2 PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts Guide

Sins of a Solar Empire 2 is a huge space strategy game aimed at empire-building among the stars. You’ve got planets waiting for colonization, armadas to direct, and rivals to defeat—there’s plenty to keep you busy. To simplify your cosmic conquest, here’s a guide that functions as your shortcut cheat sheet. Forget about searching for the correct button—it’s time to dominate the galaxy like a boss with these keyboard shortcuts.



PC Keyboard Controls and Hotkeys

Camera Controls:

  • Strafe Left: Left Arrow


  • Strafe Right: Right Arrow


  • Strafe Up: Up Arrow


  • Strafe Down: Down Arrow


  • Toggle Camera Zoom-to-Cursor: M


  • Zoom In: V


  • Zoom Out: B


  • Instant Zoom – Close: Z


  • Instant Zoom – Medium: X


  • Instant Zoom – Far: C


  • Instant Zoom – Context: Caps Lock



User Interface:

  • Toggle Show Main View Icons: Alt + D


  • Toggle Team Colors: Alt + L


  • Cycle Sub-Selected: Tab


  • Cycle Sub-Selected (Reverse): Shift + Tab


  • Select Colony Ships: Alt + D


  • Select Scout Ships: Alt + S


  • Select Capital Ships: Alt + C


  • Select Resource Planets: Alt + R


  • Select Factory Planets: Alt + F


  • Select Upgradable Planets: Alt + U


  • Select Civilization Slot Planets: Alt + V


  • Select Artifact Planets: Alt + A


  • Toggle Show Info Cards: Alt + J


  • Toggle Show Connections: Alt + Y


  • Toggle Show Planet Names: Alt + U


  • Toggle Auto-Place Planet Structures: K


  • Toggle Stacked Icons: I


  • Toggle Pause/Unpause: Pause


  • Queue Orders: Shift


  • Chat Box: Enter


  • Ping: P


  • Ping Ally Attack Target: A


  • Ping Ally Defense Target: D


  • Cancel Ally Ping: S


  • Take Screenshot: Print Screen


  • Open Diplomacy Window: F1


  • Open Research Window: F2


  • Open Criminal Underground Window: F3


  • Open Network Status Window: F4


  • Respond to Report: Space Bar



Capital Ships & Unit Abilities:

  • Use Ability – 0: Q


  • Use Ability – 1: W


  • Use Ability – 2: E


  • Use Ability – 3: R


  • Purchase Next Level: A



Fleet Control:

  • Set Group: 0 – 9: Control + 0-9


  • Toggle Scuttle: ALT + H


  • Move: D


  • Stop: S


  • Create Fleet: F


  • Attack: A


  • Retreat: R


  • Rename: Y



Planet/Ship Construction:

  • Open Capital Ship Construction – 0: D


  • Open Frigate Construction – 0: A


  • Open Frigate Construction – 1: S


  • Open Planet Module Management – 0: W


  • Open Planet Module Management – 1: E


  • Upgrade Planet: Q


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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