Sister Travel Cheats - Magic Game World

Sister Travel Cheats

Sister Travel Cheats

Secret & Unlockable Characters

Alice – If you’ve completed the game, you may recognize Alice. Once you’ve defeated the Librarian, she will transform to Alice. It appears that as a potential continuation of the story, Alice would have been added to the party. While there is no CG for this character, the sprites suggest that she would have been romanceable much like the rest of the party.


Grace – Character sprites in the game files suggested that there was going to be a female paladin character that could also join the party. Like Alice above, she had sprites suggesting that she would also be romanceable, though she also had no CG. The name Grace is an assumption, since there is a name tag for a character named Grace also in the files. Unlike Alice, it appears that Grace was simply cut from the game, with her sprite being reused for the hero Marion.



Useful Tips & Tricks

  • Later in the story, Brother will unlock the Unbound Brother Attack skill, which requires an unobtainable 400 SP to use. However, if you first use the Limit Break skill, this will increase the maximum SP he has, which should be enough to cast the skill. The trade off is that his HP and SP will drop dangerously low and slowly recover over several turns. If you can keep your party alive until his SP maxes out, the Unbound Brother Attack is the most powerful attack in the game and is devastating on anything you hit it with. Done correctly, you can one-shot kill some late level bosses.


  • Aegis can unlock a skill called Assault Counter that renders her on defense, attacking anyone who targets her. Unfortunately, this also includes allies. Be very careful using this skill, as you will be unable to heal her without potentially killing your party healer in the process.


  • Mana’s Dispell skill can be quite devastating for enemies, as it considerably hurts their ability to use skills. If you find yourself stuck on a particular encounter where your opponent continually heals or revives itself, consider swapping her into your party to see if that makes a difference.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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