Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - DLC Mission - Saint Pierre Walkthrough - Magic Game World

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – DLC Mission – Saint Pierre Walkthrough

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - DLC Mission - Saint Pierre Walkthrough


Another high-profile Axis commander is on your hit list. This time it is General Rodebrecht. His reputation as a key figure in Axis operations is not to be ignored. It will be up to you to stop him for good! Make sure to bring his service book as proof of his demise!



Points of Interest


‘Secret Service’ (SAINT PIERRE – Kill all the guards before reaching the church without being detected)


‘Shoot the Alps’ (SAINT PIERRE – Achieve a total shot distance of over 4000 meters)



Mission: Saint Pierre

Your first objective is to scour the village for any signs of insurgency. Make your way through the cobbled streets and eliminate all enemy soldiers occupying the surrounding area.


Once the area is clear, head toward the church in the village and use the radio located there to draw Rodebrecht to you.


Tip: Booby-trap the bodies of fallen enemies to ensure any investigators receive a nasty surprise!


Position yourself accordingly, wait for his exit from the vehicle, and take your shot. Consider using the aim assist, as missing could allow the General to hide within the village, making him much harder to locate and kill.


Tip: Plant mines in roadways to destroy heavily armed vehicles. Also consider shooting at fuel tanks, as this contributes to the swift destruction of their heavily armored vehicles!


After taking out the General, retrieve his service book for evidence of his death. Unfortunately, the General has come with significant military support. This heavy resistance will prove particularly troublesome, so make sure to use the surrounding buildings as cover.


Upon successful retrieval of the book, you will need to make your escape. As always, the enemy will continue to lurk nearby. Dispatch them as needed and head toward the rendezvous point. This will conclude the mission and ensure another Axis General is out of the picture.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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