Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - DLC Mission - The Neudorf Outpost Walkthrough - Magic Game World

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – DLC Mission – The Neudorf Outpost Walkthrough

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered

Deep within the Harz Mountains lies an Axis fuel depot. With the threat of an Allied attack looming, you must get in, plant explosive charges, and get out before reinforcements arrive!



Points of Interest:


  • ‘Silence is Golden’ (Complete Neudorf Outpost without alerting any AI)


  • ‘Smoking Kills’ (Kill 6 smoking soldiers on Neudorf Outpost)



Mission: Neudorf Outpost

Route 1:

Bare right and stealth your way through the pillboxes, making sure to take out any enemies in your path.



Route 2:

Having left the tunnel, turn left and head through the field before you. Be wary; this route is significantly more hostile and provides less cover.


Tip: Watch out particularly for snipers in high nests as they have better perspective on the battlefield and can deal more damage.


Both routes will ultimately lead you to the main fuel depot encampment, where you will need to access the explosives satchel.


Tip: Shoot at fuel tanks to cause multiple casualties upon vehicular explosion!


Once acquired, you will need to select 3 of the 4 available marked points to place the explosives. You will be besieged by enemy firepower, so navigate your way through the depot carefully.


Having deployed the explosives, you will be prompted to get back to the rendezvous point (essentially where you began your mission). To do so, you will have to trek across incredibly hostile terrain. Take out any enemy soldiers in your way to get safely to the rendezvous.


In doing so, you will have successfully completed the mission and sabotaged the fuel depot!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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