Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - Mission 5 - St. Olibartus Church Walkthrough - Magic Game World

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 5 – St. Olibartus Church Walkthrough

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The command of the Tiergarten Flak Tower has been assumed by Muller according to recent intel. Seemingly HQ have discovered his location and recommended a strike point for you take him out. Unfortunately for you the supply drop you need has landed on the top of a church. You will need to recover it and deal with any resistance on route.



Points of interest:

Gold bars: 10


Bottles of wine: 4


Weapon unlocked: Gewehr 43



Mission 5: St. Olibartus Church

The first objective is to infiltrate the church. As a result of heavy bombing the pathway to the building is not a direct path so you will have to navigate your way through the damaged structures around you. As per usual the route is also laden with enemies. Be particularly mindful of the tanks stalking the burnt out streets as they deal heavy damage.



Tip: Aim for the fuel tanks on the back of the tanks to ensure their speedy destruction.



Once inside the church the next objective is relatively simple. Make your way to the top of the church where the supply drop is situated. Once acquired you will receive a new sniper rifle, the Gewehr 43. You must survive 3 waves of enemies from 3 separate points within the church.



Tip: In closer combat scenarios consider using your machine gun side arm to dispatch enemies.



Intense gun fire, including heavy mounted gun turrets and tanks will pile on the pressure so it is essential you find adequate cover. Note – missing your marks will lead to mission failure!



Tip: Shooting at the grenades attached to soldiers can cause them to explode causing mass casualties.



To conclude the mission, make your way back down to the bottom of the church, taking out any enemies along the way. Make sure to be mindful of enemy snipers in windows and falls from positions you once used to climb up as they add to unnecessary damage.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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