Software Inc. Console Commands
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04 Jan 2019
Open the console, type Help, you’ll get the list of all console commands:
Console Commands
- Clear – Clears the Console.
- Show_On_Error – Toggles whether to show the console when an error occurs.
- Show_Timestamp – Determines whether to show the timestamp for each command.
- Help – Shows a list of all available commands.
- Set_Font_Size – Sets the font size of the console.
- Show_Verbose – Sets the property Verbose to true or false.
- ShowDebugLog – Establishes whether to show Unity Debug Log.
- Exit or Quit – Exits the game.
- Take_all_land – Claims all plots.
- Write_error – Shows all errors that have occurred during this save.
- Toggle_Lights – Toggles whether lamps should always be on.
- Unlock_Furniture – Unlocks all furniture.
- Spawn_Guest – Spawns a guest for a receptionist.
- Toggle_Skyscrapers – Toggles whether skyscrapers should become see-through.
- Max_Employee_Stats – Maxes the stats of all selected employees. Open the “Staff management” menu and click “Select All” for the code to affect all employees.
- Spawn_Car – Spawns the specified number of cars, which park somewhere for a few minutes and then drive off.
- Add_Money – Adds the specified amount of money.
- Add_Funs – Adds the specified amount of funs.
- Clear_dirt – Clears dirt in all rooms.
- Skip_Days – Skips the specified number of days. This might freeze the game for a while.
- Skip_Hours – Skips the specified number of hours.
- Skip_to – Skips to the specified hour between 0 and 23.
- Age_Employees – Ages all selected employees by the specified number of months. Type 24 to add two years or -24 to reduce the age by two years.
- Reload_Furniture – Reloads all modded furniture with immediate effect.
- Furniture_Debug – Toggles whether to show build (red to cyan), nav (green to pink) boundaries, interaction points (blue), and snap points (yellow) of the selected furniture.
- Furniture_Thumbnail – Generates a thumbnail for the specified furniture. Only works in the Main Menu.
- Export_Furniture_Bounds – Exports boundary information to the XML for the specified furniture.
- Flycam_Draw_Distance – Sets the draw distance multiplier for first-person mode, between 1 and 10.
- Activate_Waypoint_Editor – Activates the waypoint animation system for first-person mode. Press Backspace to add a waypoint and Enter to play.
- Toggle_Ceiling – Toggles the generation of ceiling meshes in first-person mode. Might need a reload and can impact performance.
- Reload_mod – Reloads the specified mod, but not for the currently running game.