Songs Of Silence: Hero Leveling - Magic Game World

Songs Of Silence: Hero Leveling

Songs Of Silence: Hero Leveling

Heroes gain experience from participating in battle.


  • After collecting enough experience, the experience gauge will fill up and give access to a single-use Level Up card. Check your progress towards the next level in the yellow bar underneath your hero’s level icon. The maximum level is 10.


  • Play the Level Up card onto the hero to initiate the level up sequence.


  • For each level up you can choose between three different cards. You can either unlock a new card, or improve an already owned card to make it more powerful. All hero cards have three ranks: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The offered cards depend on the hero’s class. Each class has access to a different pool, and thus enables a unique playstyle.


  • In addition, your hero’s maximum army size is sometimes increased. This happens at certain levels, based on the hero’s class.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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