Songs Of Silence PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Songs Of Silence PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Songs Of Silence PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Songs Of Silence might take the crown as the prettiest auto battler you’ll play. But calling it just an auto battler sells it short. Imagine a blend of different game styles—it pulls from Battle For Wesnoth, borrows elements from Songs Of Conquest, and has a pinch of Clash Of Clans tossed in for good measure. This guide will be your secret weapon, helping you master the controls for turn-based strategy and empire building without getting lost in a frenzy of rapid keystrokes.



All PC Settings



Key Bindings

Camera Navigation

  • Camera Up: W


  • Camera Down: S


  • Camera Left: A


  • Camera Right: D


  • Camera Zoom: Tab



Hero Selection

  • Select next Hero: 0


  • Select previous Hero: 9


  • Select Hero Slot 1: 1


  • Select Hero Slot 2: 2


  • Select Hero Slot 3: 3


  • Select Hero Slot 4: 4


  • Select Hero Slot 5: 5




  • Abort: Escape


  • Confirm: Return


  • End Turn: Return


  • Select Focused Element: Keypad Enter


  • Inspect Selected Element: I




  • Pause Battle: Space


  • Battle Speed x1: F1


  • Battle Speed x2: F2


  • Battle Speed x4: F3




  • Quick Save: F5


  • Quick Load: F8


  • Waypoint Movement: Left Shift



Alternative Camera Navigation

  • Alternate Camera Up: Up Arrow


  • Alternate Camera Down: Down Arrow


  • Alternate Camera Left: Left Arrow


  • Alternate Camera Right: Right Arrow


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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