Sons Of The Forest PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Sons Of The Forest PC Keyboard Controls Guide

A Helicopter in Sons Of The Forest

When The Forest came out in 2014, it did a great job of immersing players in an island survival situation, and making the soil their pants with the terrifying mutated monsters that live in the caves around that island. I didn’t personally soil my pants, but I know people who did.


After almost a decade of nightmares a sequel to The Forest is nearly here and ready to show you more things to keep you up at night. In Sons of the Forest, you and your bravest friends (not me) will explore a new island, face new dangers, and use vastly improved crafting and survival mechanics to make it through each night, hopefully unharmed. Although, those mutant cave dwellers do like to skulk around in the dark… I’m sleeping with the lights on tonight.


Sons of the Forest is available in Early Access right now, which means you’re in for some sleepless nights. And, with all of the new mechanics and systems, that means only some of your knowledge from the previous game will carry over. But put your control-based worries to rest, because we’re here with another control guide for you. Make use of this Sons of the Forest keyboard controls guide to keep your knowledge of the game’s controls sharp. Things can change during Early Access and they most likely will but at least you have this handy reference guide ready to go for when you really need it!



PC Key Bindings and Hotkeys

  • Movement: W, A, S, D


  • Jump: Space Bar


  • Crouch: Left Ctrl


  • Drop: G


  • Inventory: I


  • Primary Action: Left Mouse Button


  • Secondary Action: Right Mouse Button


  • Interact: Left Mouse Button


  • Lighter: L


  • Reload: R


  • Run: Left Shift


  • Take: E


  • Dismantle: C


  • GPS Tracker: M


  • Walkie-Talkie: T


  • Book: B


  • Rotate Right: R


  • Rotate Left: Q


  • Alternate Interact: Right Mouse Button


  • Place Element: Left Mouse Button


  • Toggle Place Mode: Right Mouse Button


  • Back: Left Arrow


  • Cancel Structure: X


  • Toggle Book Mode: X


  • Book Flip Next Page: Right Mouse Button


  • Book Flip Previous Page: Left Mouse Button


  • Place: C


  • Cycle Grab Bag Category: Q


  • Tertiary Action: Middle Mouse Button


  • Sleep: Z


  • Save: E


  • Skip: S


  • Select: E


  • Menu: ESC


  • 1 16

    Mike has been playing video games since he was able to hold a controller, having been fascinated by Sonic 2 on his mom’s Sega Genesis. That fascination and passion for the art form has grown exponentially nearly 30 years later, and he doesn’t see that fading away anytime soon.

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