Space Haven - Salvaging derelict spaceships and stations - Magic Game World

Space Haven – Salvaging derelict spaceships and stations

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Salvaging derelict spaceships and stations

Spaceships and stations can be marked as derelict, meaning they are abandoned and left behind or all of their crew died on board. Once a spaceship or station is marked derelict, it is possible to salvage them.


There’s a pre-condition for salvage to take place. It needs to be completely explored and void of aliens or crew members from other factions. Basically it needs to be explored and deemed a safe working environment for your own crew members.


Once you encounter a derelict ship or have boarded an enemy faction ship and made it derelict, salvaging works using these steps:


Select the derelict ship.


-Open up the salvage tab in the ship selection screen.


-Select which type of resources you want to salvage for.


-The availability for each resource type will be shown. If availability is low it means it will take a lot of work to find resources of that type, as the chance for such a scrap resource to be found from dismantled facilities is low.


-Turn on the toggle for each resource type you want to salvage.


-Ensure your crew members and shuttle are UNDRAFTED. Let them work automatically.


It is possible to set individual priorities for crew members to prioritize working on a derelict ship. This allows you to create salvage teams, although this is not a necessity since it will all work automatically as well as long as shuttles are not drafted and blocking the airlock, and the crew members are also undrafted and left to work automatically.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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