Star Trek: Infinite – Cheats and Console Commands list
Articles, Star Trek: Infinite /
09 Mar 2021
How to Activate & Use Cheat Codes
Star Trek: Infinite? Man, it’s kinda like Stellaris. Like a bunch of those strategy games, it’s got this in-game console to spice things up. Feeling curious or just wanna dive deep without the hassle? Hit that tilde (`) key, right under the ESC. Bam! You’re in the game, console-style; and below you can find the complete list of cheats:
Essential Commands
- debugtooltip: This reveals the ID of any item you hover over. Quite useful for managing your assets.
- ai: Toggle the AI. It’s your call whether you want to command manually or let the AI take the reins for a while.
Empire Management
- activate_all_traditions: Unlock all traditions in a single command. Efficiency at its best!
- activate_ascension_perk (name): Secure the Ascension Perk of your choice. Use
to view available perks.
- activate_tradition (tradition id): Select specific traditions to activate.
- add_opinion (source) (target) (amount): Manipulate diplomatic relations. The default increment is 40.
Ship and Crew Commands
- add_pops (species ID) (amount): Populate your chosen planet with a particular species.
- add_ship (design id): Add a ship with a specified design to your fleet.
- add_trait_leader (leader id) (trait id): Bestow specific traits upon your leaders.
- add_trait_species (species id) (trait id): Assign traits to chosen species.
Resource Management
- alloys (amount): Increase your alloys. The default is 5,000.
- cash (amount): Boost your energy credits. Again, the default is 5,000.
- food (amount): Ensure your inhabitants are well-fed. Default boost is 5,000.
- minerals (amount): Increase your mineral reserves by up to 5,000.
- influence (amount): Amplify your influence; the default increment is 5,000.
- unity (amount): Augment your unity points. The default is 500.
Planet Operations
- planet_class (celestial body id): Modify the class of your planet.
- planet_happiness (amount): Boost the happiness of your planet’s inhabitants. Default boost is set at 100.
- planet_size (size): Adjust the size of your planet as you see fit.
Research Tools
- finish_research: Complete all your ongoing research instantly.
- research_all_technologies (Boolean): Research every technology in one go.
- research_technology (technology id): Instantly research a specific technology.
Gameplay Enhancements
- instant_build: Immediately finish construction projects and upgrades. A word of caution: this affects adversary AI as well.
- intel: Gain a comprehensive overview of the galaxy, bypassing first-time contacts.
- invincible: Render your ships impervious to damage.
Additional Commands
- observe: Transition into observer mode. Use the
command to regain control.
- own: Assume command of specific fleets, starbases, or planets.