Star Trek: Infinite - How to Declare a Liberation War - Magic Game World

Star Trek: Infinite – How to Declare a Liberation War

Star Trek: Infinite - How to Declare a Liberation War

Here’s a quick guide on how to declare a Liberation War in Star Trek Infinite to free the Bajoran Republic:


  • Check War Options: First up, scope out if you can dive into war right off the bat… Often, it’s a no-go, especially against the Cardassian Union for Bajor’s freedom.


  • Contact the Cardassians: Next step, hit up the Cardassians; this means officially asking for Bajor’s freedom.


  • Request Liberation: Try asking the Cardassians nicely to let Bajor go… Chances are, they’ll say no, more so if you’re not way stronger than them…


  • Declare War: When they turn you down, that’s your cue: declare a Liberation War…


  • Deploy Your Fleet: Get your fleet moving towards Bajor & start taking control; It’s about making your presence felt before the real battle kicks in.


  • Land Your Troops: Then, it’s time to send in the ground forces to liberate Bajor; we’re talking boots on the ground, straight into the action.


  • Achieve Victory: Keep at it until Cardassian resistance crumbles & Bajor is yours. Once their war efforts hit zero & you’ve won completely, Bajor stands free from the Cardassian Union.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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