STAR WARS™: Squadrons PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Star Wars Game /
01 Sep 2020
PC Keyboard Controls & Key Bindings
The controls listed below are the default controls;
- W: Throttle Increase
- S: Throttle Decrease
- A: Roll Left
- D: Roll Right
- Mouse Y axis: Pitch
- Mouse X axis: Yaw
- Space: Boost
- Shift: Drift (while boosting)
- L: Free Look
- Mouse left: Primary Weapon
- Mouse 5 / Q: Fire Left Auxiliary
- Mouse right / E: Fire Right Auxiliary
- Mouse 4 / R: Deploy Countermeasures
- Mouse Wheel Up: Shield to Front / Power to Engines
- Mouse Wheel Down: Shield to Back / Power to Weapons
- Mouse Wheel Click: Balance Shields / Reset Power
- C: Shield Focus / Power Conversion
- 6: Comm Menu
- Y: Team Chat
- H: Ping Target
- B: Acknowledge Ping
- I: Toggle Chat Visibility
- 1: Increase Engine Power
- 2: Increase Weapon Power
- 3: Increase Shield Power
- 4: Balance Power
- T: Select Target Ahead
- F: Cycle Targets
- G: Target My Attacker
- 5: Targeting Menu
- Esc: Menu
- Tab: Show Loadout
- -: VR Recenter