Starfield: Kid Stuff Trait - Here's What It Does - Magic Game World

Starfield: Kid Stuff Trait – Here’s What It Does


When you pick this trait, it’s like turning on easy mode for your emotions. Your in-game parents are alive and well. Yep, you read that right, they’re not some tragic backstory; they’re real NPC characters you can visit! You also have a childhood home you can go to. Think of it as your personal emotional pit-stop in a galaxy full of uncertainties.


The catch? You automatically send 2% of your earned credits back home every week. But it’s totally worth it… We’re talking about pocket change here for the sheer level of wholesome you get in return.



So, Where Do I Find These Stellar Parents?

Once you touchdown in New Atlantis early in the game, guess what? You can head over to your parents’ new crib. Yep, they recently moved, and let me tell you, the nostalgia is real. Your old bedroom? Still there. Their quirky bickering? Still going strong. Heck, even your old high school backpack is waiting for you, complete with a sweet note from mom. She patched it up and even cleaned out that old apple you forgot in there. Oh, and did I mention the backpack’s storage is totally clutch? I’m rocking it in my playthrough!



What’s The Dialogue Like?

Listen, the writing here is bang-on. Your in-game parents got lines that would make even a cold-hearted mercenary tear up. When you pop in, you’re hit with the classics like:


  • “Honey, we got ourselves a visitor! I’ll get the coffee brewing!”


  • “Is everything alright? I thought you were under contract with Argos extractors.”


  • “Constellation?! My child is a member of Constellation! I knew you were special.”



Mom and Dad Bicker, But It’s Cute

Your in-game parents have their moments. From arguing about the location of tissue paper to re-arranging stuff around the house, it adds layers of realism to their characters. How do you expect me to know where anything is if you keep moving them all the time?? It’s that good ol’ charming family dynamic, folks.



Opting Out? Nah, Fam!

Technically, you can remove the trait by talking to your parents, but why would you? Trust me, the 2% weekly credit hit is chump change compared to the emotional richness this trait adds to your Starfield journey…


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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