Starfield PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Starfield PC Keyboard Controls Guide

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Can you believe itโ€™s been 12 long years since Bethesda blessed us with the magic of Skyrim? Time flies when you’re slaying dragons, but now, we’re gearing up to soar among the stars in their newest banger, Starfield. However, let’s just pause for a secโ€”before diving into this vast cosmic playground and start deciding if you’re vibing with Team Freestar or siding with the United Colonies, there’s a golden rule: mastering that keyboard. Doesnโ€™t matter if you’ve been rocking with Bethesda since the Settled Systems or if you’re just lacing up your space boots after the tutorial, those keys are the gateway to the universe. From finding that elusive nebula to docking at the fanciest spaceport, this guideโ€™s got all the detes on the keyboard controls and various shortcuts.



All PC Settings



Basic Movement:

  • Forward: W


  • Backward: S


  • Strafe Left: A


  • Strafe Right: D


  • Move Camera: Mouse



Advanced Movement:

  • Sneak: L + CTRL


  • Sprint: L + SHIFT


  • Jump: Space


  • Auto-Move: NUM LOCK


  • Toggle Always Run: Caps Lock



Interaction & View:

  • Activate/Pick up: E


  • Scanner/Flashlight: F


  • Toggle POV: Mouse 3


  • Fast Travel to Ship: F1




  • Primary Attack: Mouse 1


  • Secondary Attack: Mouse 2


  • Melee: V


  • Throw Grenade: G


  • Reload/Sheath Weapon: R


  • Power: Z



Menu & Navigation:

  • Open Menu: TAB


  • Quick-Save: F5


  • Quick-Load: F9


  • Pause: ESC


  • Quick-Skills: P


  • Quick-Inventory: I


  • Quick-Mission: L


  • Quick-Map: M


  • Quick-Ship: H


  • Quick-Powers: P


  • Accept: E or Enter


  • Cancel: TAB or ESC


  • Up: W or Up Arrow


  • Down: S or Down Arrow


  • Left: A or Left Arrow


  • Right: D or Right Arrow


  • Previous Tab: Q


  • Next Tab: T



Flight Controls & Ship Management:

  • Fire Boosters: L + SHIFT


  • Switch Flight Modes: Space


  • Toggle POV: Mouse 3


  • Fire Weapon 1: Mouse 1


  • Fire Weapon 2: Mouse 2


  • Fire Weapon 3: G or NUM PAD 0


  • Ship Action 1: R


  • Select Target: E


  • Increase System Power: Up Arrow or V


  • Decrease System Power: Down Arrow or C


  • Previous System: Left Arrow or Z


  • Next System: Right Arrow or X


  • Open Scanner: F


  • Repair Ship: 0


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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