Stoneshard Cheats
Articles, Cheats, Misc. Guides /
07 Jan 2020
General Tips:
- Use Rest Mode to heal and restore mana as often as possible.
- Don’t forget to eat and drink, every status effect has an influence on your stats.
- Doors are your friends and can’t be opened by enemies. Make this to your advantage.
- Kill everything to gain as much XP as possible.
Tips for Boss Fights
- Two-handed weapon for higher damage preferred.
- Skilling Agility for higher evasion rate.
- Having at least one potion for healing.
- Use lightning spell to enchant your weapon before the fight (don’t forget to rest and restore mana).
- Having at least on potion for healing
- Your main goal is to destroy the statue, the skeletons won’t hurt that much if your evasion is high enough.
- Stay directly in front of the statue, step aside if they enchant the floor, get back directly in front, but don’t get closed in by the skeletons.
- Focus statue with melee attacks, use firespell to damage statue and skeletons.