Strange Brigade PS4 Cheats - Magic Game World

Strange Brigade PS4 Cheats

1 46

Easy Gem Farming

There is an easy way to get all the upgrade gems you need right at the beginning of the game—no need to compete for them with co-op players later on.


Here is what you need to do:


-Start the first mission from the beginning and run to the first chest.


-This takes about 30 seconds.


-Open the first chest; if you do not find a gem, restart the mission.


-If you find a gem, you will need to go to the next checkpoint to save it. If you quit here, it won’t be saved; the thing that makes this a good farming spot is that the next checkpoint is close by, and there is another chest on the way, so you have a chance to get a second gem.


-A few steps past the second chest is the checkpoint now.


-Now, you can restart the mission and make the run until you get all the gems you need.


-Less than an hour, you can have every gem with duplicates.



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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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