Sudden Strike 4 - Movement Speeds and Effect of Ground/Weather - Magic Game World

Sudden Strike 4 – Movement Speeds and Effect of Ground/Weather

Sudden Strike 4 - Movement Speeds and Effect of Ground/Weather

Movement Mechanics

Most of the game movement is planar, but it incorporates two distinct heights: one for ground movement and one for aircraft.



Factors Influencing Movement

Movement depends on several key factors:


  • Unit type


  • Damage status – Various damage states can slow down or entirely disable unit movement:


Engine damaged (vehicle): Movement speed is reduced by half.


Engine disabled (vehicle): The unit cannot move.


Track/wheel damaged (vehicle): The unit cannot move.


Seriously wounded (infantry): The unit cannot move.


  • Fuel – A vehicle that has run out of fuel cannot move. However, fuel can be replenished.


  • Environment – The environment significantly impacts movement speeds and can completely restrict movement in certain scenarios.



Terrain and Movement

Terrain types have a significant effect on unit movement speeds:




Forests provide a cover bonus while decreasing the line of sight. They are categorized into two types:


  • Light Forest: Light, with no tall vegetation. Trees can be brought down by vehicles, negating effects.


  • Dense Forest: Dense, only passable by infantry and completely inaccessible for vehicles.




Swamp areas are deep muddy territories. Units moving through them gradually sink and get stuck over time. It’s advisable to avoid these areas as much as possible.




Movement through water, especially rivers, is subject to specific rules:


  • Banks: Typically steep and non-traversable.


  • Bridges: Allow traversal for all kinds of units.


  • Fords: Special areas that enable traversal for all kinds of units when a bridge is not present.


  • Pontoon bridges: Can be installed by engineering units using segments, which can be destroyed and salvaged for later use.


  • Frozen water: Frozen lakes and rivers allow traversal for both infantry and vehicles. However, ice breaks upon damage, causing units to sink.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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