Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls Achievement Guide - Magic Game World

Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls Achievement Guide

Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls Achievement Guide

All details for every single Achievement.



Achievements (1/2)

Start Your Engines

Fired up the game!

Start a New Game




NEPTUNE joined your party

Complete the mission Sega Saturn Replay ★★★☆☆ (SS Era)

The Clone Neptune DOES NOT count




NEPGEAR joined your party

Complete the mission Angry Believers ★★★★★ (GG Era)

The Clone Nepgear DOES NOT COUNT




PLUTIA joined your party

Complete the mission Battle Mega Drive! ★★★★☆ (MD Era)

The Clone Plutia DOES NOT COUNT



UZUME Joined

UZUME joined your party

Complete the mission Pledge Your Allegiance ★★★★☆ (DC Era)

The Clone Uzume DOES NOT COUNT




MEGA DRIVE joined your party

Complete the mission Battle Mega Drive! ★★★★☆ (MD Era)

The Clone Mega Drive DOES NOT COUNT




GAME GEAR joined your party

Complete the mission Angry Believers ★★★★★ (GG Era)

The Clone Game Gear DOES NOT COUNT




SEGA SATURN joined your party

Complete the mission Sega Saturn Replay ★★★☆☆ (SS Era)

The Clone Sega Saturn DOES NOT count.




DREAMCAST joined your party

Complete the mission Pledge Your Allegiance ★★★★☆ (DC Era)

The Clone Dreamcast DOES NOT count




You challenged the Time Eater!



Normal End (Missable)

You saw the Normal Ending

After being defeated by Time Eater during your first encounter you’ll be given the opportunity to challenge him at any given time from the Mission list. Simply defeat him through the mission list.



Bad End [New Game+] (Missable)

You saw the Bad Ending

Defeat Time Eater the very first time he appears. Wait until New Game+ when your party should be arond Lv. 99 making the battle a breeze.



True End (Missable)

You saw the True Ending

Complete the following missions from all 4 eras:

The Real Battle ★★★★★- MD Era

Play It Again, Nep ★★★★★- SS Era

Nepgear Is Roadkill? ★★★★★- GG Era

Dreamcast Era True End ★★★★★- DC Era



Delphinus (New Game+)

You beat Delphinus

The Final Showdown which will take place at Macarasco Troll Depth in the Mega Drive Era. It is quite a lengthy process during New Game+ which involves some missions and chirpers before finally obtaining “The Name is Delphinus” plan

Delphinus is BY FAR the hardest boss in the game by even giving a full team of Lv. 99 members a hard time by having insane defense and AOE skills that will wipe out your party quickly. There is a…. ch



Battle Rookie

You finished your first fight! Aw





You fought 100 battles!

Self-explanatory (A paragraph of text shouldn’t be necessary for something this simple)



Ultimate Fighter

You fought 500 battles!

You’ll get this during the inevitable Lily Rank Grinding process late in the game.




You dished out over 100 Hits



Maximum Damage

You inflicted over 100,000 damage points to an enemy[/code]

Should be done during Fever. Having Mega Drive cast Charge (From her 2nd class Skill Buster) followed by a STR Booster with the Formation “Limit Breaker” (Give 21 Baseballs to Robo Pitcher) while using EXE Drives.




Fever Time activated

Simply fill the Fever meter to 100% by attacking or taking damage (skills required) then grab star gem that appears



Up Up !

You activated Fever Time 100 times

Activate Fever 100 times over the course of the game. This can be achieved easier if you bought the Fever Gauge Plus DLC Plan or Segami’s Astral Brave class which allows her to sarcifice SP to charge the Fever Gauge. With the Item Insurance DLC Plan, one can easily get dozens of SP Chargers to quicken the process.

The final and most desperate method is to simply activate Fever Time then immediately run away from battle. Make sure to have the Escape Anytime Plan (Obtained from Tera Drive when your Observation Lv is 12)



Achievements (2/2)


You earned a million credits. Wow

You’ll most likely earn this during Lily Rank Grinding or it might be possible if you do a lot of battles with the Money Maker DLC Plan and Credit Boost Plan (Obtained from Tera Drive when your Observation Lv is 4). since both stack



Medal Collector (New Game+)

You cleared the dungeon challenge

Collect all the medals from every dungeon in the game. This is impossible on your 1st playthrough since an area in Macarasco Ruin Depth (MD Era) will be blocked off until you obtain the Plan to challenge Delphinus during New Game+.

Some areas within dungeons will also be blocked off until Plans are obtained from Chirpers throughout the game.



Mission Master

You cleared a 100 different missions

Complete 100 missions along your journey. Pretty simple just as long as you DON’T complete the True Ending before reaching this milestone. Killing Time Eater through the mission select screen will also resets previous removed/upcoming quest if you so happen to run out of them.




Your investigation skills reached level 25

This can be achieved by completing missions, finding all medals, baseballs, viewing chirpers and events and so on. Level 25 should be reached almost near the end of your 1st playthrough provided you didn’t skip most of these things along the way.


Time Traveller

You made your first leap through time

Should be earned at the beginning of the game when you’re forced to do a couple of mission in the Sega Saturn Era.



Class Change

You performed a Class Change

After completing the mission Rumor Has It… ★★★☆☆ (SS Era) you’ll be able to change classes after viewing the ? Event and talking to SG-1000 II.



Did I Catch It?

You caught a ball

Find a baseball. Virtua Forest (SS Era) is the first dungeon to get one.



Master Catcher (New Game+)

You caught all the balls

Probably the 2nd most tedious achievement in the game as the game DOESN’T keep track of the baseballs collected within dungeons. There are 42 in total, yes FORTY TWO Baseballs in total. Just like Medal Collector, it is impossible to collect all 42 on your 1st playthrough as the final baseball is hidden within the same area as Delphinus at Macarasco Troll Depth during New Game+

I also suggest leaving at least 1 medal near the entrance at the start of dungeon until the baseball is found in the area. Some areas containing baseballs are also blocked off like the medals mentioned earlier but it isn’t a big deal since the dungeon can’t be fully looted making it easier to keep track of progess.

It appears the Toypolis dungeons have duplicate baseballs everytime the floors are expanded (GG and DC Eras). Anyways here’s the list



Mega Drive Era

Virtua Forest

Gold Axe Ravine

Gold Axe Summit

Panique Cave x2 #1 & #2 (updated version)

Afburner Lava Tube

M/J Box

Macarasco Troll Ruin

Macarasco Troll Depth (New Game+)



Sega Saturn Era

Virtua Forest

Gold Axe Ravine

Gold Axe Summit

Panique Cave

Afburner Lava Tube

Afburner Lava Depth

Last Blocks


Macarasco Troll Ruin

Macarasco Troll Depth



Game Gear Era

Virtua Forest

Gold Axe Ravine

Gold Axe Summit

Afburner Lava Tube

Afburner Lava Depth

TanTal 3rd Warehouse

Cube Gear

Toypolis 1F x2

Toypolis 2F

Macarasco Troll Ruin



Dreamcast Era

Virtua Forest

Afburner Lava Tube

Afburner Lava Depth

TanTal 3rd Warehouse

God Dream Town

Toypolis 1F x3

Toypolis 2F x2

Toypolis 3F

Macarasco Troll Ruin



Toypolis Unlocked

Toypolis been unlocked

View the Chirper with Nep FC Chairman in the SS Era and Toypolis will be unlocked upon revisiting the era or going into a dungeon and exiting immediately.



Toypolis Second Floo

Toypolis Second Floor unlocked

Complete the mission Toypolis: 1st Expansion Plan ★★★☆☆ (GG Era) by collecting 2 Mithril Ores from M/J Box



Toypolis Third Floor

Toypolis Third Floor unlocked

Complete the mission Toypolis: 2nd Expansion Plan ★★★★☆ (DC Era) by collecting 3 Youth Hearts from Panique Cave



Console Collector (Missable)

You chatted with all the Sega Hard Girls


Mega Drive

Sega Saturn

Game Gear


Master System

Mega Drive 2

Robo Pitcher

Sega Mark III

Mega CD

Mega CD 2


Super 32x


SG-1000 II


Tera Drive

Visual Memory



Level MAX

You reached level 99

Will be accomplished while Lily Rank Grinding. The EXP Expert [DLC] and EXP Boost plans stack with one another making the leveling process easier. Some characters also learn the EXP Obtain + skill through classes which further increases EXP gain



Counter Stop

All your characters reached 99

Same as Level Max except all 10 characters must be at Lv. 99



Hey, Ladies!

You maxed out your Lily rank

This should be done near the end of the game as it is a LONG and boring process. Every character learns the skill Love++ which quickens the process somewhat




All your characters maxed out their Lily ranks

We’ve finally arrived to the WORST achievement in the game. You would think it would be simple since I previously mentioned that every character learns Love++….. well you’re wrong. The major problem is that Neptune learns the skill from her 3rd Class Kangaroo which requires the Key Item “Animal Picture Book” and a Lily Rank of 5 with IF which means Neptune will hold you back if you’re not careful dramatically increasing the time need to Lily Grind all 10 characters to 5 with one another.

Anyways you’ll need the Formation Storm Charge which is the best for Lily Growth since all 4 characters will be coupled with one another. You’ll also need Love++, the plans Symbol Crusher + Symbol Crusher GET! with the best grinding location being Toypolis 2F or 3F (3F offers more EXP but 2F has more enemies which will cause Lily Ranks to increase faster



Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls

Acquired all trophies


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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