Tavern Master: Cheats & Secrets - Magic Game World

Tavern Master: Cheats & Secrets

Tavern Master: Cheats & Secrets

Tips & Tricks

  • You begin with one bartender and one waitress and work your way up to having multiple bartenders, waitresses, and cooks. Water and beer are great, but soup is even better! Over time, you will unlock new recipes. The profits from the sales help you upgrade your dishes, and once upgraded, they bring in more money and attract higher-paying customers.


  • Here is a quick tip for new players just starting when doing quests; you get a coin, so remember to add stuff to your tavern right before you claim your coin; it helps greatly in the beginning. It also helps get you out of a bind if you accidentally buy too much and don’t have enough to pay your employees.


  • If you have a quest that requires you to earn a certain amount of money on any given day, you can always sell decorations to add to your ‘money earned today’ total.


  • If one of your new quests for the next day requires stock/refilling, it’s best to do it after you’ve completed all of your new quests for the day.


  • Once you can unlock Adventures, you can send adventurers out on little quests to collect special ingredients. You use those to complete your own set of quests, to unlock more things, like kitchen recipes, paintings & floor tiles!


  • Guards are hired to prevent thieves from stealing entire barrels from your bar, and musicians are hired to keep the guests entertained.


  • Bringing in a variety of customers is necessary to complete research. Customers come in different tiers – gray, orange, yellow, and purple. Special events help you bring in a guaranteed number of higher-tier customers and secure some extra funds. Research can unlock more staff members, more daily customers, more recipes, and more floors for your establishment.


  • There are four types of guests, but there are different kinds of each type. As you can expect from a game set in medieval times, you have commoners, merchants, craftsmen, knights, executioners (a rather insane number of those as if there are millions of rebels to behead each day), pirates, Vikings, a wizard, and naturally the nobility.


  • You pay adventurers to go on quests and acquire rare ingredients for your chiefs to make more varied foods, but also to be able to host lavish parties for certain types of guests.


  • You can place curtains over doors and torches/lanterns over banners/pictures.


  • There are no tooltips for anything, so you have to do a little guesswork, for instance, who are the special guests you need for “research,” etc.


  • You can colour your tavern name by using HTML <color=#ff0000> Tavern Name </color>. You can use Google to find hex codes for the color you want above.


  • You can also use <sprite index=0> to use a coin icon in the name. Try changing 0 to other numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc., to get different icons throughout the game.


  • Don’t be afraid to hire & fire staff, from barkeeps, waitresses to scholars. If they are not performing well, get rid of them, or if they are fantastic at their job, give them a raise. As long as you keep them happy, they won’t quit.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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