Teamfight Tactics - Best items in TFT - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics – Best items in TFT

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Best Items

Even though the best item to choose or build towards is often situational, some items simply outperform others. Furthermore, certain items significantly improve some champions and even make them hyper-carries. Here are some of the absolute best items in the game.



Guinsoo’s Rageblade

A champion wearing Guinsoo’s Rageblade increases their attack speed by 3% per attack. This effect stacks infinitely, which means the longer the battle goes on, the more attack speed your champion acquires. As per the mathematical law of exponential growth, a champion wearing Guinsoo’s Rageblade will attain more attack speed faster and faster throughout a round. Therefore, you should build a tanky team that is able to drag out a round, enabling the Guinsoo’s Rageblade wearer to stack tons of attack speed.


We recommend you put this item on an AD Carry, or a champion with a powerful ability or useful supportive ability. The increasing attack speed not only continuously increases champions DPS from attacks but also allows them to regain mana quicker. Because of this, almost all heroes benefit from this item greatly, but we do recommend not putting it on tanks. Specific champions that have proved to excel with Guinsoo’s rageblade include Vayne and Aurelion Sol. However, as mentioned, this item is extremely useful on almost any champion.


To build Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Combine Recurve Bow and Needlessly Large Rod




Spear of Shojin

Another fantastic item that allows you to build some very interesting and powerful team comps is the Spear of Shojin. The wearer of this item, gains 15% of their maximum mana each attack, after casting their ability once. In other words, once your champion has cast their ability once, they regain their ability very quickly. Spear of Shojin is especially powerful on champions with powerful abilities such as Brand, Aurelion Sol, and Akali. However, Spear of Shojin also works exceptionally well on champions with powerful supportive abilities such as Luluand Kayle.


To build Spear of Shojin: Combine B.F. Sword and Tear of the Goddess




Force of Nature

Force of Nature is one of the best items in the game. If any champion on your team wears a Force of Nature, your team size increases by 1. Even if the champion wearing your Force of Nature is not on the board, but standing on the sideline, your team size still increases by 1. The only downside of going for the Force of Nature is the way it is built. You need to combine two Spatulas to obtain it, and you often don’t get two at the same time. Therefore, you often find yourself in a situation where you are holding a spatula that doesn’t do anything for a long time before getting a second one. However, if you do manage to get the second one and build the Force of Nature, it can be a deciding factor between victory and loss.


To build Force of Nature: Combine two Spatula




Phantom Dancer

The Phantom Dancer is a unique item that greatly increases the durability of any champion. Wearing a Phantom Dancer makes a champion dodge all critical strikes. Therefore, the Phantom Dancer is especially useful against Assassin teams and Ad Carries. We recommend you put this item on your tanks or hyper carry if the enemy has a lot of Assassins. Putting a Phantom Dancer on Gnar, specifically, makes him a major annoyance if you also have the Yordle buff, as the enemy will miss a ton of hits on him.


To build Phantom Dancer: Combine Recurve Bow and Chain Vest.




Frozen Heart

If you are looking for an item that can seriously decrease the enemies power, Frozen Heart is a great choice. All enemies adjacent to the Frozen Heart wearer loses 20% attack speed. It is thereby, a good idea to put this item on a tank that gets close to the enemy, or even a semi-tanky assassin, that can decrease the enemy’s AD and AP Carries’ attack speed.


To build Frozen Heart: Combine Chain Vest and Tear of the Goddess.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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