Teamfight Tactics – Items You Want to Make Early Game - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics – Items You Want to Make Early Game

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Items You Want to Make Early Game

These are the items you want to make early game and how to use them:


Rageblade: Great on Nidalee (add Warwick for Wild combo), Vayne or even Tristana if you are desperate.



Statikk Shiv: Better early game item than Rage Blade, a bit weaker late game. Great on Nidalee, Vayne, Tristana, and Lucian.



Spear of Shojin: Can be used early on Kha’Zix, Darius, Ahri or any spell based carry. Late game, it’s good for caster builds, assassins and even Ashe (using Ashe as stun bot in a rangers comp).



Bloodthirster: Amazing item to build but only if you already have a carry like Nidalee or Vayne with an ATK speed item. If you build this item, you need to strongly consider using a single target AD DPS for as your carry (Draven, Nidalee, Vayne, etc).



Rabadon’s Deathcap: Only make it if you have a Spear of Shojin on someone like Ahri.



Rapid Firecannon: A must have on Nidalee 3 star, It’s a good replacement for Guinso in all the hyper carries builds if needed.For example, if you hit 3 Recurve Bows early, it’s fine to build an RFC over a Guinsoo’s, even if you plan on playing an A-Sol comp. Instead of using your first Large Rod for a Guinsoo’s, you can instead make a Rabadon or Hextech.



Zephyr: Try to keep Giant’s Belt for a Zeke and Negatron Cloak for a Blood Thirster (if you go for an AD carry). Usually, you should only build this item if you get a 2nd Belt/Cloak or want to keep a win streak going. If you place the Zephyr bottom left, it will CC the units on the top right corner. Keep that in mind when you decide which unit gets the Zephyr.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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