Teamfight Tactics PBE Patch 9.14 – Big Changes & Nerfs
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
16 Jul 2019
Big Changes & Nerfs
Big Changes
- There’s a new Gromp encounter after the first minion wave.
- PVE rounds from Gromp onward are now guaranteed to drop a lootbox which can contain either: 2 XP, one to four Gold, or an item.
- One enemy per PVE encounter now gets a buff in the form of Dragon’s Claw (resistant to magic), Red Buff (burn damage, healing disabled), or Guardian Angel.
- PVE dragons no longer have magic immunity.
- PVE dragons are guaranteed to drop a full item.
- Runaan’s Hurricane reworked. Now summons a spirit who mirrors your attacks, dealing 25% damage. Applies on hit effects.
- Red Buff reworked. Does 13% of Max Health as damage over time over five seconds. Still prevents any healing.
- Morellonomicon reworked. Does 15% of Max Health as damage over time over five seconds. Still prevents any healing.
- Elise is now a Tier One unit.
- Locket of the Iron Solari no longer scales with ability power.
- Varus’ ultimate now costs 100 mana (up from 75)
- Pyke’s ultimate now costs 125 mana (up from 100)
- Demon Bonus early game nerfed early game, buffed late game. From 40/60/80 to 35/60/85.
- Undetailed nerfs to the Elementalist golem.
- Undetailed nerf to the Shapeshifter bonus.
- Undetailed nerf to Elise.
- Runaan’s Hurricane no longer provides on-hit effects.
- Demons now deal a percentage of the mana they burn as damage. (30/50/70% chance to burn, 100/200/400% damage)
- Cursed Blade’s debuff can now shrink a champion to level 0 and lasts the entire round.
- Frozen Heart attack speed slow increased to 25% from 20%.
- Gunblade heal increased from 25% to 33%.
- Warmog’s Armor now regenerates 6% of Max Health per second. (Up from 3%)
- Zeke’s Herald now provides 15% Attack Speed to adjacent allies in a straight horizontal line. (Up from 10%)
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade now provides 4%, rather than 3% Attack Speed per stack.
- Guardian Angel now revives the champion with 1000 HP instead of 500 HP.
- Locket of the Iron Solari now provides a 300 HP shield, up from 200.
- Recurve Bow provides 20% Attack Speed, up from 15%.
- Redemption now activates at 25% of maximum health remaining rather than upon death.
- Wild Bonus provides 8% Attack Speed per hit, up from 7%.
- Fiora now has a base of 1.0 Attack Speed, up from 0.7.
- Demon Bonus early game nerfed early game, buffed late game. From 40/60/80 to 35/60/85.
- Thornmail now reflects 100% of negated damage.
- Poppy can ult more people as she levels up.
- Shyvana has 100 more HP. Dragon form Attack Damage increased from 60-120 to 100-200
- Morgana damage increased from 250-450 to 300-450.
- Aatrox damage increased from 350-800 to 400-1000.
Quality of Life Changes
- Miss Fortune will now target her ultimate based on the last champion attacked rather than attacking a random target.
- Items with adjacency effects will now show that while you’re placing champions.