Teamfight Tactics Recurve Bow Combinations
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
27 May 2019
By itself Recurve Bow provides +20% Attack Speed.
- + B.F. Sword =Â Sword of the Divine:Â 5% chance each second to gain 100% crit.
- + Recurve Bow = Rapid Firecannon:Â Double your attack range. Attacks cannot miss.
- + Needlessly Large Rod = Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Gain 3% stacking Attack Speed on hit. Stacks infinitely.
- + Tear of the Goddess = Stattik Shiv:Â Every 3rd attack deals 100 splash magic damage.
- + Chain Vest = Phantom Dancer:Â Dodge all crits.
- + Negatron Cloak = Cursed Blade:Â Small chance to demote enemy unit by one star on hit.
- + Giant’s Belt = Titanic Hydra: Attacks deal 10% of the wearer’s maximum HP as bonus splash damage.
- + Spatula = Blade of the Ruined King:Â You are a Blademaster