Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Ahri and the Brawlers S Tier 9.15b Team Comp & Build
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
07 Aug 2019
Ahri and the Brawlers
Warwick, Blitzcrank, Cho*Gath, Rek*Sai, Kassadin, Ahri, Morgana
Ahri is an underrated early/mid game champion. She will carry your games with Luden’s Echo or Static Shiv. Late game Cho’Gath will proceed to delete entire enemy teams.
When to make:
Any time you get Ahri and or a mix of brawlers early. This is doubly true if you can make a Statikk Shiv or Luden’s Echo, OR both.
- Early game:Â You have several early game options: nobles, brawlers, voids, sorcerers.
- Mid game: You should play 3 void if you get a Cho Gath, otherwise prioritize sorc passive over void. Remember your comp doesn’t complete until 7, so be sure to keep some gold to level up after wolves.
General tips:
- -You should be looking to make 1 early game items. Top 3 picks are Luden’s Echo, Statikk Shiv, Ionic Spark. Always make 1 of those for Ahri.
- -A lot of your early units are present in your final comp: Ahri, Warwick, Reksai, Blitz, Kassadin. You’ll know pretty quickly if you can reliably build this.
Ideal items for carries:
- Ahri (carry #1): Luden’s Echo, Statikk Shiv
- Cho’Gath (carry #2): Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel