Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Basic & Combined Items Tier List
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
10 Jul 2019
Basic & Combined Items Tier List
Items are valued in the following way:
- S-tier = Most powerful items in the game that are always valued.
- A-tier = Strong items that have a good use case complimenting S-tier items.
- B-tier = Items that are situational but still can work on specific champs.
- Not on the list = Items that are rarely useful and probably made because you have basic components you don’t need sitting around.
Basic Items Tier List
- Optimal (S-tier): Recurve Bow, Spatula
- Great (A-tier): B.F. Sword, Needlessly Large Rod, Tear of the Goddess
- Good (B-tier): Chain Vest, Giant’s Belt, Negatron Cloak
Combined Items Tier List
- Optimal (S-tier): Force of Nature, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Phantom Dancer, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Rapid Firecannon, Spear of Shojin
- Great (A-tier): Bloodthirster, Dragon’s Claw, Frozen Heart, Frozen Mallet, Locket of the Iron Solari, Morellonomicon, Seraph’s Embrace, Sword Breaker, Titanic Hydra, Zephyr
- Good (B-tier): Blade of the Ruined King, Darkin, Guardian Angel, Hextech Gunblade, Infinity Edge, Luden’s Echo, Red Buff, Redemption, Runaan’s Hurricane, Statikk Shiv, Sword of the Divine, Thornmail, Warmog’s Armor, Yuumi, Zeke’s Herald