Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Basic Items Guide
Basic Items
Items increase your champions’ base stats and can upgrade into stronger items that provide unique effects. In PvE rounds, each monster you defeat has a chance of dropping an item. In Draft rounds, every draftable champion comes with an item equipped. You’ll always see basic items early on, but as the game progresses, you’ll have a shot at upgraded items.
There are eight basic items:
 BF Sword: Attacks deal more damage
 Recurve Bow: Attack more often
 Needlessly Large Rod: Abilities are stronger
 Tear of the Goddess: Begin combat with some mana
 Giant’s Belt: Gain health
 Chain Vest: Take less damage from basic attacks
 Negatron Cloak: Take less damage from abilities
 Spatula: Provides no stats, but upgrades into various rule-breaking items!
Equip items by dragging and dropping them onto your champions (be careful, this can’t be undone). If you equip a champion with two basic items, those items automatically combine into an upgraded item, sharing the same combination of stats as its components. Every pair of basic items creates a different upgraded item!
Upgraded items can buff your attacks and abilities, grant unique effects, and even change the properties of your champions! Here are just a few examples; you’ll see dozens more during your time in Teamfight Tactics!
 Infinity Edge: Critical strikes deal double damage
 Locket of the Iron Solari: At the start of combat, wielder and adjacent champions gain a shield
 Knight’s Vow: Wielder is also a Knight