Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best 9.14 Build & Team Comp Imperial Spark: S-tier
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
17 Jul 2019
Best 9.14 Build & Team Comp Imperial Spark: S-tier
Champions; Darius, Draven, Swain, Poppy, Sejuani, Katarina, Garen
The cool comp uses Ionic Spark which does 200 unmitigated true damage every time an enemy casts a spell. Since it benefits from the imperial buff, if you have 2 Sparks, that’s 800 damage which ticks before spell cast killing the enemy in question. Draven is present for solid steady DPS to kill the front line.
When to make:
When you have a good knight start with 2 star Darius and Garen, as well as the items necessary to make an Ionic Spark or 2.
- -Early game: Garen and Darius are key, but really any solid third and fourth unit will do if you can two star it. Katarina just gives a great imperial buff if you can find her.
- -Mid game: Here you want any two knights with Garen and Darius for a total of 4 plus Draven. This gives Draven imperial and lets you colllect the other imperials on the bench while you level.
General tips:
- -Any 4 knights will do well in this comp, and at level 8, you can use a Knight’s Vow and make 6 knights for an ultra tanky front line.
- -Feel free to run Poppy early game and swap out Garen or her for Kayle later. | Only play 2 imperials or 4, never play 3.
- -Running Darius and Draven until you get all 4, makes sure the buff goes on your damage units.
Ideal items for carries:
- -Darius (carry#1): Ionic Spark x2, Hextech Gunblade
- -Draven (carry#2): Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Rapid Firecannon, Bloodthirster
One Response
Ion spark no longer has increased damage with imperial