Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best 9.14 Build & Team Comp Shapeshifters / Demons - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best 9.14 Build & Team Comp Shapeshifters / Demons

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Best 9.14 Build & Team Comp Shapeshifters / Demons

Champions: Elise (1), Nidalee (1), Darius (1), Varus (2), Shyvana (3), Morgana (3), Gnar (4), Draven (4), Swain (5)


Shapeshifter compositions were already top of the tables in TFT. But with the release of Patch 9.14, they’ve gone up another level. Elise has been chopped, changed, and transformed from one of the weakest units in the game to one of the best. She’s a solid one-gold unit with incredible synergies, allowing you to get the ball rolling and take over the game. She does a considerable amount of early game damage with her spiderlings and she can be incredibly difficult to handle.


You would usually have to wait for Shyvana and preferably Gnar to fill out your comp, but with the changes to Elise, you won’t have to rely on them as much. Once more, she’s a Demon, and in the game’s current state, mana burning seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Elise is never going to one-vs-five, but she’ll act as an effective barrier for the rest of your force. In the early game, especially, her presence alone will bolster Nidalee, letting her pump out as much damage as possible.


In previous Shapeshifter comps, you’d usually aim to veer off into the direction of Sorcerers. You can still do that and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that route, but if you’re using Elise, you may as well take advantage of your Demon synergy. After you’ve found a stable early game force, you can switch her out for Varus or even Morgana as the game goes on. Soon enough, you’ll have three or four strong Shapeshifters with Elise, Nidalee, Shyvana, and Gnar, and you’ll have a good combination of damage, and most importantly, survivability. Meanwhile, in the backline, Varus and Morgana will be whittling away at your opponents, burning their mana, and preventing them from using their ultimates.


Once you’ve hit the late game and you’ve picked up Swain, you have a few choices. You can stick to the Shapeshifter and Demon heavy comp and look to acquire two more Demons, or you can pivot to Imperial. This would mean picking up Draven and preferably boosting his damage with items like Rapidfire Cannon, The Bloodthirster, and Infinity Edge. You can even go as far as picking up four Imperial units, including Darius and Katarina. This would normally take out your Wild synergy, but you should be left with at least three Shapeshifters and four Demons. At this point, Draven and Swain will be unstoppable carries.


This comp is powerful and flexible. It’s easy to get off the ground and it’s hard to counter. But most importantly, it’s a lot of fun.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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