Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best 9.14 Team Comp & Build (Ninja/Elementalist) - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best 9.14 Team Comp & Build (Ninja/Elementalist)

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Best 9.14 Team Comp & Build (Ninja/Elementalist)

You’ll want to run just an early build of units that get a quick buff like Warwick/Nidalee for Wild, or you can go in for three Noble while you collect the early game units like Lissandra, Pyke, Zed, and Shen. Item wise, you’re looking for Chain Vests & Needlessly Large Rods for the Lockets and B.F. Swords and Giant Belts for the Zeke’s Herald.


Mid-game strategy revolves around hoping to get the early Elementalist buff by finding Kennen and maybe grabbing a Brand from the carousel. The build gets crazy in the late game when you can put together the four Ninjas to complete the buff and get that big boost in attack damage.


Pairing Ninjas with either Elementalists or Assassins right now appears to be the most popular build in the game. The bonus for going Ninja is a big increase in attack damage that will tear down your opponent’s units! With the 9.14 patch added to the game, the Ninjas pair very well with Elementalists and take advantage of the tanky Golem that is summoned via the class synergy.




  • Lissandra (Glacial/Elementalist)
    • Lissandra encases the target in ice, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Below half HP, Lissandra instead encases herself, becoming untargetable.


  • Zed (Ninja/Assassin)
    • Zed throws a shuriken, dealing damage to enemies in a line.


  • Shen (Ninja/Blademaster)
    • Shen creates a zone around himself, allowing allies to dodge all attacks.


  • Pyke (Pirate/Assassin)
    • Pyke dashes behind the furthest enemy, creating an afterimage that stuns enemies it passes through.


  • Kennen (Ninja/Yordle/Elementalist)
    • Kennen summons a storm around him, dealing damage and stunning enemies inside of it.


  • Akali (Ninja/Assassin)
    • Akali throws shurikens in front of her, dealing damage.


  • Brand (Demon/Elementalist)
    • Brand launches a bouncing fireball, damaging enemies hit.




If you’ve got your Zeke’s Herald stacked up on your Zed, then you should position your team in a line on the back row. Zeke’s gives additional attack speed to units in the two spaces on the left and right of it at the start of the round. So, make sure you put your best damage dealers on either side so they get the buff! You’ll also be running an Akali with stacked Locket of the Iron Solari, so make sure you position her in a spot that will maximize the shields you are getting.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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