Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – (Best 9.15 Comp) Dragon Defenders Team Comp & Build Guide
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
31 Jul 2019
(Best 9.15 Comp) Dragon Defenders Team Comp & Build Guide
Champions; Braum, Shyvana, leona, Karthus, Lulu, Nidalee, Gnar, Aurelion Sol
This comp relies on the raw HP of shapeshifters combined with a lot armor from guardians. Immortal Shyvana can carry you easily if your opponents are not prepared. The 2 powerful sorcerors are just the icing on the cake.
When to make:
If in the first few rounds, you find components to make half of Shyvana’s item trifecta: Warmog’s, Thornmail, and Hextech.
- Early game: The ideal early game is finding something strong to hold items until you can put in 3 shape shifters with Shyvana.
- Mid game: You can roll at level 6 if you are not strong enough to survive with high hp till wolves. Otherwise go to 7 before rolling for better chance at high tier units like Sol, Leona, and Karthus.
General tips:
- Put a Warmog on Shyvana, and she’s incredibly strong even as a 1 star for early game shapeshifters.
- Aatrox, Darius, Garen, and Kennen are all great carriers of the Gunblade and can easily hold you through mid game with it while you assemble your comp.
- Look to make a Static Shiv on Gnar ASAP since he has such a high base attack speed and benefits from wild buff. He also lives the longest so he can make great use of it.
Ideal items for carries:
- Shyvana: Warmog’s Armor, Thornmail, Hextech Gunblade
- Gnar: Stattik Shiv x2
- Braum: Thornmail