Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best 9.15 Patch Team Comp - Ultimate Ranger Formation Build - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best 9.15 Patch Team Comp – Ultimate Ranger Formation Build

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Little Sparks Team Comp & Build Guide (Best 9.15 Comp)

Champions; Mordekaiser, Braum, Varus, Kindred, leona, Ashe, Vayne


Very classic verion of Rangers with Guardians for extra CC and defense



When to make:

When you get a start with attack speed items and nobles to start your game. If there are lots of people running elementals and you have good Vayne rolls early on, you can easily move to this composition.




  • Early game: Noble is a very good start for early game, try to get a Stattik Shiv online quickly, it will carry your early game.


  • Mid game: Don’t be afraid to roll down after hitting level 6 to find your core pieces and make sure this is the direction to commit to. You are looking for a Kindred or a Leona to make the commitment.



General tips:

  • Static Shiv is a beast early game, don’t be afraid to build attack speed items, you can put them early on Vayne.


  • If you can’t 3 star vayne, just sub in the other Vayne 2 you have on your bench and swich to Varus.


  • Formation is extremley important for guardian comps, and most importantly make sure your guardians are buffing each other.


  • When you can put 8 units in, then you can put in Sejuani and look for a Frozen Mallet to get 4 glacial.



Ideal items for carries:

  • Varus: Stattik Shiv x2, Cursed Blade


  • Ashe: Spear of Shojn x 2, Guinsoo’s Rageblade


  • Braum: Thornmail


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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