Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best 9.15b Sorcerer Team Comp & Build
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
08 Aug 2019
Best 9.15b Sorcerer Team Comp & Build
Poppy, Morgana, Kennen, Lissandra, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Brand
This is a sorcerer comp that uses Twisted Fate to generate mana for their big ultimates. It relies on yordles and elementalists to create a front line to buy time for the big ults.
When to make:
When you find significant amounts of Twisted Fate and Kennen early.
- -Early game: Try to get an early game item going like Ionic Spark, Statikk Shiv, Guardian’s Angel, or Luden’s Echo.
- -Mid game:Â This comp is complete mid game, so try to get your full set of 6 units online at this point (3 sorc and 3 elementalists).
General tips:
- -You can build a Statikk Shiv or Rapid Firecannon on Twisted Fate since it helps him generate blue cards and mana.
- -To get the yordle buff, Poppy can be a good 7th, but a Gnar 2 star also does real well in a sorc comp.
- -This comp really wants Karthus, and when you find Karthus you can replace your weakest sorcerer for him.
- -Make as many Guardian Angels as you can, so your units have more chances to get off powerful AoE ults.
Ideal items for carries:
- -Kennen (carry #1): Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel
- -Twisted Fate (carry #2): Stattik Shiv, Luden’s Echo