Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Best champion and item combos - Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best champion and item combos – Guide

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Best champion and item combos

With so many unique items and champions, there are an enormous amount of combinations you can choose in terms of items on specific heroes. Putting the best items on any champion will be useful, but particular champions benefit more than others from particular items. In some cases, you can create an absolute monster that essentially carries your entire team. Here are some awesome combinations you can try.



Spear of Shojin + Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Putting a Spear of Shojin and a Guinsoo’s Rageblade is especially powerful on champions with amazing abilities. There are two champions mainly that benefit greatly from this combo, Aurelion Sol and Brand. If you manage to get this combination of any of these champion, you are so to dish out a ton of AoE damage. Your goal with this combo is to drag the round out as much as possible, so your champion can throw out tons of abilities. Two other champions that benefit from this combo greatly are Kayle and Lulu, both of which possess incredible support abilities.



Bloodthirster + Phantom Dancer

Anyone who’s been against this combo knows how annoying it can be. The premise of this combo is to dodge a ton of hits because of the Phantom Dancer while healing back up because of the Bloodthirster. Draven especially is a grand champion to run this combo on. Preferably, put an Infinity Edge on him while running the Imperial buff, and you have yourself an absolute machine.



Red Buff Graves

An item that completely changes the viability of Graves is the Red Buff. Because of Graves’ splash attack, he is able to apply the red buff debuff on multiple enemies at once. Using this combination makes Graves a champion to consider using on your team.



Rapid Firecannon Nidalee

Nidalee is a ranged champion until she transforms into her melee form for the rest of the round. However, an interesting combo that changes the previous is the Rapid Firecannon Nidalee combo. When Nidalee wears the Rapid Firecannon, her attack range is doubled just like the item states. But, once she transforms, her attack range is not only doubled. She instead turns into a ranged melee, with a range longer than most AD Carries. Because of her high damage in melee form, Nidalee actually makes for a pretty great AD Carry once she equips the Rapid Firecannon.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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