Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Best Champion Picks for Beginners - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best Champion Picks for Beginners

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Best Champion Picks for Beginners

For starters, it’s best to actually pick builds that are included among the one-cost minions. We’ve listed a few of the easiest starting builds that have champions ranging from one-costs all the way to four-costs.




Noble is, probably, by far the easiest build to currently utilize in the game. You’re starting off with a chance to get Fiora, Vayne or Garen, who are all one-cost champions. If you manage to get all three of them quickly, you’ll breeze past the early game since the buff can change the tides of your matches. After you’ve collected enough of them to at least bring two out of three champions up to level two, it’s time to also look for Lucian or a class that synergizes with the existing three one-cost champions. These include Blademaster (Fiora), Knight (Garen), and Ranger (Vayne).


Try to end your game with all six champions. If that doesn’t work out, you should focus on your ADC the most at all times. The Noble buff will bring enough defensive capabilities to your team, especially if you combine it with a few Knights among your arms.





Wild is a build that can quickly spiral out of control. You start off your game with Warwick and Nidalee, who are each among of the strongest early-game champions. The Wild buff, giving seven permanent attack speed after each attack stacking up to 5 times, is very easy to trigger with the requirement to at least have two “Wild” champions on the board. You will have fewer options overall compared to Noble, but Ahri and Rengar definitely aren’t bad champions to pick. Outside of the Wild champions, you can branch out to these classes:


  • -Assassin (Rengar)


  • -Sorcerer (Ahri)


  • -Brawler (Warwick)


  • -Shapeshifter (Nidalee)


It’s up to the player whether to continue with the Wild buff or branch out into other buffs as well. You will also have the ability to stay with two to three Wild champions and, for example, go for Glacial later in the game.





Yordle is a build that most people starting out will unconsciously ignore since it’s a build that’s harder to pull off in the early game compared to, for example, Wild or Noble. However, Yordle champions are quite good on their own. You could use Yordles as individual champions besides your main build. Tristana, Lulu, Kennen, and Gnar fit in almost any build and have their own qualities.


Tristana can be used as a secondary ADC champion. If you don’t find enough Lucians to at least get a level two (preferably level three), Tristana is amazing. Make sure to build the ADC with a Rageblade! Lulu is a great support even without items. She fits well with all builds that need crowd control or a heal.


Kennen is an amazing off-tank that should be positioned in the middle of the pack. He has high damage, and Spear of Shojin is the perfect item for champions like Kennen. Gnar is one of the strongest tanks in the game, but as with every four-cost minion, it’s hard to get to higher levels without a hefty investment.




Positioning Champions

Normal team composition should look like this:


  • -Front (Tanks, heavy crowd control champions)


  • -Middle (Off-tanks, supports, ADCs)


  • -Back (Off-tank, main ADC)


The most important aspects of positioning are influenced by items and champions that are classified as “Assassins” in-game. Assassins are the most interesting champions when it comes to positioning. They have the ability to take out enemies’ backline of by jumping across the map at the start of the round. The way it works is that the Assassin will determine which tile is the furthest from his own position, jump to it and attack the enemy positioned on that tile.


Youmuu’s Ghostblade (Spatula + B.F. Sword) can turn any champion into an Assassin. For example, Kennen (Ninja, Yordle, Elementalist) can jump into the enemy team and trigger his AoE lightning quickly and more effectively. Items like Zeke’s Herald (B.F. Sword + Giant’s Belt) should be put on the champion that will survive the longest, with Frozen Heart (Tear of the Goddess + Chain Vest) being the best on tanks like Garen or Warwick.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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