Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best Draven Team Comp & Build (9.14)
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
17 Jul 2019
Best Draven Team Comp & Build (9.14)
Champions; Nidalee, Draven, Warwick, Swain, Ahri, Cho*Gath, Shyvana, Gnar
Team comp description:
Shape Shifters will carry your early game and a Wild buffed Draven will help slay all the Demons late game.
When to make:
When you are on your way to play a shapeshifter comp, if you get a lot of attack speed items that wouldn’t fit on demons, it’s a good time to switch comps and play this Draven version.
- -Early game: Try to complete your shapeshifter combo and place a Warmog on Shyvana.
- -Mid game: Getting Draven and Gnar on the field as soon as possible is your goal in the mid game. Feel free to keep using Wild units and other solid two stars to buffer until you complete your transition.
General tips:
- -This is not a comp you should force, as it’s not as strong as Demon Shapeshifter.
- -It has to be played at the right time when the game gives you an early Draven with good items.
Ideal items for carries:
- -Draven (carry #1): Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Rapid Firecannon, Bloodthirster.
- -Shyvana (carry #2): Guardian Angel, Warmog’s Armor, Hextech Gunblade