Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best Nobles Team Comp & Build Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best Nobles Team Comp & Build Guide

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Best Nobles Team Comp & Build Guide

Final Build:

  • -Vayne + Garen + Fiora + Lucian + Leona + Kayle (Nobles)


  • -Braum (Guardian)


  • -Sejuani (Glacial) or Ashe (Glacial + Ranger)



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Strategy: Start off with whichever 3 Nobles you can find, preferably Vayne + Garen + Fiora. Your carry is Vayne this game so feel free to stack her with items. Add Ashe (or a temporary ranger until you find Ashe) for the Ranger bonus, then Braum for 2 Glacials, and then Leona for Guardians. Once you find Kayle, cut Ashe and Braum for Lucian and Kayle. Re-add Braum when you have room (probably immediately), and then either Ashe or Sejuani.


Notes: This build is incredibly reliant on finding a Kayle and thus starts to fall off really hard in the mid-game. Winning the early game and being greedy for levels is necessary, and the build can still completely wiff if you just don’t get a Kayle, so don’t expect it to be reliable. More reliable than Techies in DAC though!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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