Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Best Pirate Gunslingers Build & Team Comp
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
20 Jul 2019
Best Pirate Gunslingers Build
Champions; Lucian, Tristana, Sejuani, Graves, Gangplank, Cho*Gath, Pyke
This team has the quickest draw in the west and relies on Tristana coming online early. You’ll have the pirate synergy to help fuel your economy and upgrades. Sejuani and Cho’Gath are more than enough protection for your backline of gunslingers to melt almost any composition.
When to make:
You need a lot of on-hit items for this comp. A good time to play Gunslingers would be when you get good items from the first camps or if you find 3/4 early Tristanas.
- Early game: Pick up all the gunslingers and pirates you find, it’s common to spend some gold at level 4 to reach a quick level 5 and play 4 gunslinger 3 pirates combo.
- Mid game:Â At level 5, start rerolling to find your ideal 5 units composition to have 4 gunslingers and pirates. Stay above 50 gold as much as you can looking for a 3-star Tristana and Graves (Lucian as well if you can).
General tips:
- -Take out GP (or Graves if not 3 star) and add Miss Fortune when you find one.
- -On-hit Items like Sword Breaker and especially Cursed Blade are insane on Gunslingers. That’s why you want to have at least 4 on-hit items split among Trist and Lucian.
- -Red Buff is great because it spreads to all enemies with gunslinger buff and denies healing.
Ideal items for carries:
- -Tristana (carry #1): Cursed Blade, Rapid Firecannon, Red Buff
- -Lucian (carry #2): Hush, Sword Breaker, Cursed Blade