Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Combining Items for True Power - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Combining Items for True Power

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Teamfight Tactics has eight base items. Each of these items can combine with another basic item to create something new. Items each have their own stats, and combining certain stats will generate certain outcomes when these items are combined together. Just to help you out, here’s the basic items in Teamfight Tactics and the stat buffs they are attached to.


We also included the full rundown of all of the items they can be combined with, as well as their resulting effects. That way you don’t have to remember all of this on the fly.



B.F. Sword — 20 Attack Damage

+ B.F. Sword = Infinity Edge — Critical Strike Damage is increased by 100 percent

+ Recurve Bow = Sword of the Divine — 5 percent chance each second to gain 100 percent crit

+ Needlessly Large Rod = Hextech Gunblade — Heal 25 percent of damage dealt

+ Tear of the Goddess = Spear of Shojin — After casting an ability recover 20 percent of remaining maximum mana per attack

+ Negatron Cloak = The Bloodthirster — 35 percent lifesteal

+ Giant’s Belt = Zeke’s Herald — Allies around you when combat begins gain 12.5 percent attack speed

+ Chain Vest = Guardian Angel — Revive with 300 HP

+ Spatula = Youmuu’s Ghostblade — Wearer is also an Assassin



Recurve Bow — 20 percent Attack Speed

+ B.F. Sword = Sword of the Divine — 5 percent chance each second to gain 100 percent crit

+ Recurve Bow = Rapidfire Canon — Double your attack range. Attacks cannot miss

+ Needlessly Large Rod = Guinsoo’s Rageblade — Gain 5 percent stacking attack speed on hit. Stacks infinitely

+ Tear of the Goddess = Statikk Shiv — Every third attack splashes 100 magic damage

+ Negatron Cloak = Cursed Blade — Chance to shrink on hit; removes 1 star

+ Giant’s Belt = Titanic Hydra — Attacks deal 10 percent of the wearer’s maximum HP as bonus splash damage

+ Chain Vest = Phantom Dancer — Dodge all critical hits

+ Spatula = Blade of the Ruined King — Wearer is also an Blademaster



Chain Vest — 20 Armor

+ B.F. Sword = Guardian Angel — Revive with 300 HP

+ Recurve Bow = Phantom Dancer — Dodge all critical hits

+ Needlessly Large Rod = Locket of the Iron Solari — Shield units around you for 200 health on combat start

+ Tear of the Goddess = Frozen Heart — Adjacent enemies attack 20 percent slower

+ Negatron Cloak = Sword Breaker — Attacks have a chance to disarm

+ Giant’s Belt = Red Buff — Attacks burn for 2.5 percent max health. Burned units cannot heal

+ Chain Vest = Thornmail — Reflects 25 percent of Attack Damage taken

+ Spatula = Knight’s Vow — Wearer is also a Knight



Negatron Cloak — 20 Magic Resist

+ B.F. Sword = The Bloodthirster — 35 percent lifesteal

+ Recurve Bow = Cursed Blade — Chance to shrink on hit; removes 1 star

+ Needlessly Large Rod = Ionic Spark — Whenever an enemy casts they take 100 damage

+ Tear of the Goddess = Hush — Attack have a high chance to silence

+ Negatron Cloak = Dragon’s Claw — 83 percent resistance to magic damage

+ Giant’s Belt = Zephyr — On combat start, banish an enemy for 5 seconds

+ Chain Vest = Sword Breaker — Attacks have a chance to disarm

+ Spatula = Runaan’s Hurricane — Attack 2 extra targets on attack. Extra attacks deal 50 percent damage



Tear of the Goddess — 20 Starting Mana

+ B.F. Sword = Spear of Shojin — After casting an ability recover 20 percent of remaining maximum mana per attack

+ Recurve Bow = Statikk Shiv — Every third attack splashes 100 magic damage

+ Needlessly Large Rod = Luden’s Echo — Spells deal 100 splash damage on hit

+ Tear of the Goddess = Seraph’s Embrace — Regain 20 mana after each spell cast

+ Negatron Cloak = Hush — Attack have a high chance to silence

+ Giant’s Belt = Redemption — On death, heal nearby allies for 1000 health

+ Chain Vest = Frozen Heart — Adjacent enemies attack 20 percent slower

+ Spatula = Darkin — Wearer is also a Darkin



Needlessly Large Rod — 20 percent Spell Damage

+ B.F. Sword = Hextech Gunblade — Heal 25 percent of damage dealt

+ Recurve Bow = Guinsoo’s Rageblade — Gain 5 percent stacking attack speed on hit. Stacks infinitely

+ Needlessly Large Rod = Rabadon’s Deathcap — 50 percent Ability Power

+ Tear of the Goddess = Luden’s Echo — Spells deal 100 splash damage on hit

+ Negatron Cloak = Ionic Spark — Whenever an enemy casts they take 100 damage

+ Giant’s Belt = Morellonomicon — Spells deal burn damage and prevent all healing

+ Chain Vest = Locket of the Iron Solari — Shield units around you for 200 health on combat start

+ Spatula = Yuumi — Wearer is also a Sorcerer



Giant’s Belt — 200 Health

+ B.F. Sword = Zeke’s Herald — Allies around you when combat begins gain 12.5 percent attack speed

+ Recurve Bow = Titanic Hydra — Attacks deal 10 percent of the wearer’s maximum HP as bonus splash damage

+ Needlessly Large Rod = Morellonomicon — Spells deal burn damage and prevent all healing

+ Tear of the Goddess = Redemption — On death, heal nearby allies for 1000 health

+ Negatron Cloak = Zephyr — On combat start, banish an enemy for 5 seconds

+ Giant’s Belt = Warmog’s Armor — Regenerate 5 percent health per second

+ Chain Vest = Red Buff — Attacks burn for 2.5 percent max health. Burned units cannot heal

+ Spatula = Frozen Mallet — Wearer is also Glacial




+ B.F. Sword = Youmuu’s Ghostblade — Wearer is also an Assassin

+ Recurve Bow = Blade of the Ruined King — Wearer is also an Blademaster

+ Needlessly Large Rod = Yuumi — Wearer is also a Sorcerer

+ Tear of the Goddess = Darkin — Wearer is also a Darkin

+ Negatron Cloak = Runaan’s Hurricane — Attack 2 extra targets on attack. Extra attacks deal 50 percent damage

+ Giant’s Belt = Frozen Mallet — Wearer is also Glacial

+ Chain Vest = Knight’s Vow — Wearer is also a Knight

+ Spatula = Force of Nature — Wearer does not count against unit cap


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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