Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Dragons and Demons Team Comp & Build Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Dragons and Demons Team Comp & Build Guide

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Dragons and Demons Team Comp & Build

This team composition in a Sorcerers bane, due to the ability to drain mana and magic immunity of the strongest champions in the game – Dragons. Shapeshifters in this army greatly increase the HP pool and with the mana drain demons would cause a lot of troubles from the enemy.



To build this team you need:

Dragons: Aurelion Sol, Shyvana

Demons: Varus, Morgana, Elise, Aatrox

Shapeshifters: Gnar, Elise, Shyvana



If you are starting your game with the early shapeshifters or demons, then you would probably love this build. The plan is next: in the early game, you need to achieve the shapeshifters and demons buff with level 4 of Little Legend. To the mid-game, you need to achieve level 6 and roll a little to find other demons and change Nidalee with the Gnar.


The basic and core things in this build are next: Put a Warmog’s Armor on Shyvana to dramatically increase her durability. Aatrox must be your top priority to get an easy three-star unit. He is pretty strong and his ultimate could do a nice amount of damage if you put him in the second row. Nidalee is the greatest item holder in the early game because you will sell her and get all the items back.


Items you need to chase are next Warmog’s Armor, Hextech Gunblade and Rapid Firecannon for the Shyvana as your main carry. But if you prefer Varus as a damage dealer then you need next items – Seraph’s Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap and Guinsoo’s Rageblade.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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