Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Early Game Carousel Item Tier List
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
13 Jul 2019
Early Game Carousel Item Tier List
- God Tier Items: Recurve Bow, Needlessly Large Rod
- Tier 1 Items: Tear of the Goddess, B.F. Sword, Spatula
- Tier 2 Items: Chain Vest, Giant’s Belt, Negatron Cloak
This tier list shows what order to prioritize items in the game. See below for descriptions.
- Recurve Bow is good in almost every scenario due to attack speed being a powerful stat for almost every champion in the game.
- Needlessly Large Rod is good because it builds into Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Locket of the Iron Solari. You can also use it to build into Deathcaps if you decide to do a burst damage route.
- Tear of the Goddess is highly valuable since it builds into Spear of Shojin, but you could also make it into the very underrated Frozen Heart if you don’t roll well.
- B.F. Sword is generally made into Spear of Shojin via Tear oof the Goddess or into a Zeke’s Herald using a Giant’s Belt.
- Spatula is somewhat situational. If you plan on losing the first couple rounds and picking up Spatulas in carousel they can be good, but they provide no stats otherwise. Force of Nature is still crazy good, but it’s a bit of a gamble.
- Chain Vest can be built into Frozen Heart or more importantly Locket of the Iron Solari. However, most of the time nobody picks this up until later when they need it.
- Negatron Coak somewhat rare in usage it can be used to make a Bloodthirster or Dragon Claw if you see enemies running heavy magic resist. It can also be used to make Zephyr, which can change the game but only if the enemy isn’t constantly shifting their units around.